Do You Want To Say Anything To Big Corporate Tax Dodgers?

I can't afford a lobbyist, but now I can tell those tax dodgers how I feel about our current tax system, and you can, too.

I mentioned the other day that I paid more in federal income taxes than Verizon did in 4 years:

Last year, Citizens for Tax Justice found that 30 major corporations had made billions of dollars in profits while paying no federal income tax between 2008 and 2010. Today, CTJ updated that report to reflect the 2011 tax bill of those 30 companies, and 26 of them have still managed to pay absolutely nothing over that four year period.

If we have to pay taxes, why aren't these big successful corporations paying their taxes? I find that really offensive. But this tax season, our friends at Occupy the Boardroom have a plan:

Tell some of the biggest corporate tax dodgers in America exactly what you think of them! Verizon, Wells Fargo, and Bank of America have all spent millions on lobbying since they helped crash the economy – more than they paid in corporate taxes. In fact, not only have they spent millions buying access, they've all gamed the system to receive millions in TAX REFUNDS! Find that offensive? Tell the executives of these companies yourself!

I can't afford a lobbyist, but now I can tell those tax dodgers how I feel about our current tax system, and you can, too.

Oh, and while your there, you might want to pick up a copy of the Occupy the Boardroom book, a great piece of history telling the story of the great divide between the 1percent and the 99 percent, and how the economic crisis impacted the majority of Americans.

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