Does Mitt Romney Have A Koch Problem?

On Sunday, July 8th, over 200 protestors crashed the Koch Brothers' $50,000 a ticket fundraising party for their candidate, Mitt Romney. Since the Kochs are giving over a billion dollars to buy Mitt Romney the presidency, should we be

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On Sunday, July 8th, over 200 protestors crashed the Koch Brothers' $50,000 a ticket fundraising party for their candidate, Mitt Romney. Since the Kochs are giving over a billion dollars to buy Mitt Romney the presidency, should we be worried about who Romney would represent if he takes office? Hmmmmmm.

This action was a collaboration between, Occupy Huntington, Occupy the Hamptons, Occupy Wall Street, the Long Island Progressive Coalition, United NY, the Strong Economy for All Coalition, and Art Not to all 200 activists who braved the hot sun!

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