Eliot Spitzer: 'Wayne LaPierre Is A Complete Lunatic'
Eliot Spitzer, former New York governor, former New York attorney general and former Current TV host, returns to “Viewpoint” for a wide-ranging interview with John Fugelsang. Spitzer shares his thoughts on NRA leader Wayne LaPierre’s recent op-ed, "Wayne LaPierre is a complete lunatic." Spitzer also weighs in on Nevada Senator Harry Reid’s shortcomings on filibuster reform, the looming sequestration, and the Justice Department’s lawsuit against Standard & Poor’s.
Eliot Spitzer, former New York governor, former New York attorney general and former Current TV host, returned to “Viewpoint” on Thursday for a wide-ranging interview with John Fugelsang. Spitzer shares his thoughts on NRA leader Wayne LaPierre’s recent op-ed, "Wayne LaPierre is a complete lunatic." Spitzer also weighs in on Nevada Senator Harry Reid’s shortcomings on filibuster reform, the looming sequestration, and the Justice Department’s lawsuit against Standard & Poor’s.
“Until we see Republican legislators responding to the 85 percent who agree with what we think is the more common sense view, then we’ve got to say, ‘Look, Wayne LaPierre is still holding the political cards,’ crazy as it may be,” Spitzer says. “If this guy six months from now has stopped anything other than a weak universal background check — if they haven’t limited the number of bullets in a magazine, if there isn’t an assault weapons ban — then he will have won. And that is a very sad reality we’ve got to face.”