Feb 1-3: Peoples Recovery Summit
Restore Power to the People! A free 3-day gathering of workshops, panels, concerts and performances to unite for a more equitable and sustainable rebuilding in Sandy's wake. When: Feb 1-3 Where: Church of St. Luke & St. Matthew,
Restore Power to the People!
A free 3-day gathering of workshops, panels, concerts and performances to unite for a more equitable and sustainable rebuilding in Sandy's wake.
When: Feb 1-3
Where: Church of St. Luke & St. Matthew, Brooklyn
For more information or to register, see http://summit.peoplesrecovery.org/ and RSVP on Facebook.
Current Sponsors:
Bailey’s Cafe
Church of St. Luke and St. Matthew
Coalition for Public Education
Episcopal Diocese of Long Island
NY Committee for Occupational Safety & Health
NYC Parents Union
Occupy Sandy
Occupy Faith
Occupy The Hood
Our Schools NYC
Paul Robeson Freedom School
People for Jelani
The Peoples Network
US Uncut
Workers Justice Project
[Via OccupyWallSt.org]