Fed Up With Bank Of America? Visit 'Bankrupting America'
Whether it’s the fact that the company bankrolls climate change through coal investments or forecloses on America’s homeowners while paying top executives millions in bonuses, these are all symptoms of the bank’s lack of morality.
[Photo is from the Bankrupting America site, and is the actual sign posted at the Bank of America branch that was shut down by the 'Wild Old Women' group previously reported here.]
Whether it’s the fact that the company bankrolls climate change through coal investments or forecloses on America’s homeowners while paying top executives millions in bonuses, these are all symptoms of the bank’s lack of morality.
That’s why Rainforest Action Network and The New Bottom Line have teamed up to launch a new blog:Bankrupting America.
We’re posting video, photo, and other report-backs from every single protest or campaign aimed at holding Bank of America accountable. We’re also looking for breaking news, testimonials from dissatisfied customers, and anything else that highlights the widespread opposition to BoA’s banking practices. Can you join us and help amplify the drumbeat?
Rainforest Action Network and The New Bottom Line are calling on Bank of America to:
Pay its fair share
Stop draining government of revenue. Pay the statutorily required 35% corporate income tax instead of gaming the system through off-shore tax shelters, loopholes, and scams.
Stabilize the housing market and revitalize the economy
Bank of America must stop investing in payday loans and must start making affordable business and family credit available, especially into communities of color. They must also reduce principal for all underwater homeowners to current market value. This would end the foreclosure crisis, reset the housing market, pump billions of dollars back into the economy, and create jobs.
Fund the future — not dirty coal
Stop financing for the coal industry and shift the balance of energy financing to support renewable power generation that is less threatening to our environment and health.
Check out, share, and submit to Bankrupting America today!
To submit your own content, or share your own personal story, see this link.