Feds Stand Ground With Occupy Wall Street Against NYPD For 1st Amendment Rights

The National Park Service may have clarified where Occupy Wall Street protesters may occupy, a "First Amendment Area" on the steps.

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The National Park Service may have clarified where Occupy Wall Street protesters may occupy, a "First Amendment Area" on the steps.

There was a stand-off earlier between the OccupyWall Street protesters and the NYPD. The NYPD threatened them with arrest but Federal Park Police informed them of the rights of the protesters to remain. Then the NYPD shut down Wall Street and cut-off hundreds of marchers and pedestrians from twenty-five protesters who stood their ground

Occupy Wall Street had been sleeping on Wall Street last week and part of this week, the National Park Service moved to barricade the protesters. After designating the "First Amendment Area," the NPS seems to be trying to clarify things. Amelia H.M. Tweeted a photograph of the new rules on the steps. For demonstrations and "1st Amendment Area," a maximum limit of 75 people. Then there's this "At 6 pm a new rule at Federal Hall prevents noise over 60 decibels, which according to this guideline would fall in the range of a "normal conversation" at three feet away.

It also seems that if there are more than 25 protesters on the steps, Occupy will be required to have a permit. Or maybe the NYPD will be able to arrest them then? The protesters are now making it work like a nightclub, by having one protester enter the "Free Speech Cage" when one exits.

The National Park Service police are still on the steps of Federal Hall at this moment, which also happens to be where the very first Congress met and wrote the Bill of Rights. The NYPD, along with a few white shirts, are still hanging around. Seems their determined to harass the protesters as much as possible. Ordering items moved off of the sidewalk, and someone on the stream said that if you set something down to be sure and watch it, as they NYPD will try to throw "unattended" items away. There goes a sleeping bag now...

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