Highlights From Occupy Wall Street's 1st Anniversary

Highlights from Occupy Wall Street's 1st anniversary...

Occupy Wall Street at Zuccotti Park on 1st anniversary. I don't have confirmation on the numbers in attendance today, but they've been estimated at between 35,000 to 50,000 occupiers.

This is the NYPD guarding the Bull.

"NYPD I'm pregnant don't hurt me"

Undercover NYPD exposed.

Code Pink's Bust up Big Banks Team shut down three banks on Monday, Sept. 17th, 2012.

"All our grievances are connected" photo taken September 17, 2012.

Occupy Oakland represents the shutdown of Monsanto with chalkupy today, Sept. 17th, 2012.

This is the NYPD pushing a man in a shopping cart, I mentioned it this morning, 9-12-12 while I was live blogging some of the marches taking place in NYC today. There were crutches in the cart with the man, but I'm still not sure if he was being arrested or why exactly the NYPD was giving him a ride.

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