H/T Michael Moore
"If Chicago went bankrupt, would you say 'The Windy City just let out its final fart?' If Houston had a devastating earthquake, would you start the story with, 'Houston, we have a problem – the problem is your buildings are collapsing and there are hundreds of people trapped under the rubble'? No,
you wouldn't."
– John Oliver on news anchors finding Detroit's
bankruptcy to be an opportunity for hilarious puns.
And related:
Let Them Eat Red Wings: Detroit is completely broke, except for the $283 million in public money available to build a new hockey arena...
'I'm Going to Be Homeless': "If they cut it, I'm not going to be able to pay my rent. I'm not going to have money. I’m going to be living out of my car, I guess." – Jeanette Fitz, retired after 35 years as accountant for Detroit city government.
There's a Pot of Gold at the End of the Bankruptcy Rainbow: Emails show bankruptcy lawyers discussing how awesome this will be for Snyder's career, leading him to a "higher calling" – in presidential cabinet, the Senate, or "corporate."