Livestream: Occupy Oakland Returns To Oscar Grant Plaza

Members of Occupy Oakland have begun to gather at Oscar Grant Plaza this afternoon. The march is set for 7:00 p.m. PST, and then they plan to return to the Plaza to re-establish their former encampment. City officials and police have said they will not allow that to happen. The park "closes" at 10 p.m., so arrests are anticipated, if not violence as well.

Streaming video by Ustream

Update: 11:15pm -- Some guy ran screaming straight into the Oakland Police, he was "detained" by the OPD, and possibly arrested. It seems the protesters have cleared out any belongings, and just a few people are hanging around outside the plaza. The park is closed. One person was discovered sleeping in a tree, police shook their heads and walked away. Still what seems to be a rather small group of police in the area, some are security guards, and now they're headed back to the guy in the tree.

Occupiers are estimating over 400 people occupied the plaza and participated in the march that was nearly completely peaceful. Security is now bribing the guy in the tree with free pizza, and a twenty-dollar bill, but he doesn't seem to be going for it, per livestream.

And it looks like tree man is climbing down from his branch. OPD gave him the pizza, two water bottles and $25...not a bad deal. He has taken his pizza, and gone into the subway. Interesting evening, Occupy Oakland. I'm signing off for the night.

Update: 11:00pm -- Via Twitter:

Slide show presentation still going on in Oscar Grant Plaza, Oakland Police coming in trying to close the park, after Mayor Quan allegedly said the Occupiers could spend the night(Via Twitter, no confirmation). Only one arrest so far, a man who hit a police officer with a rock, was not with the occupy group, and occupiers say he was from out of town.

Susie Cagle ‏@susie_c

#O25 #OO history tour (minus Traveler's Aid failure): strange & self-obsessed. Curious if they'll spend night but less curious than before.

Susie Cagle ‏@susie_c

Remembering talking to #OO ppl last Nov & Dec about actions moving beyond the plaza occupation. Those ppl weren't there tonight. #O25

Update: 9:15pm -- Occupy Oakland march has ended, all are back at Oscar Grant Plaze...will they spend the night?

Update: 7:44pm -- The street lights in the area where the protesters are marching have all been shut off. If this is intentional, not sure what the point would be.

Update: 6:41pm -- Scott Olsen is being interviewed now on the livestream from Oakland. Businesses in the area have vowed to stay open during their normal hours, but many have covered their windows with plywood ahead of the Occupy march.

Members of Occupy Oakland have begun to gather at Oscar Grant Plaza this afternoon. The march is set for 7:00 p.m. PST, and then they plan to return to the Plaza to re-establish their former encampment. City officials and police have said they will not allow that to happen. The park "closes" at 10 p.m., so arrests are anticipated, if not violence as well.

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