UPDATE: CNN Confirms Nat'l Guard On 'Stand-by' In Chicago

Tim Pool's livestream is catching the situation live in Chicago. Follow him @Timcast on Twitter, as well as #NoNATO for more updates. Reports on Twitter that either the US Military or National Guard are in the area on standby. National Guard seems more likely.

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9:15: Worth noting that WGN shut down their live feed and switched to an episode of "Friends."


Occupy NCSU ‏@OccupyNCSU
“@ElPaso_Anarchy: @Timcast EVERY stream is goin down. WATCH OUT FOR UNDERCOVERS putting a yellow sticker on you. #NoNATO #NATO RT RT RT”

7:45: Via Twitter:

JeffSharlet ‏@JeffSharlet
Chicago crowd now small, bloodied. Most protesters have fled. This really is what a police state looks like. Exactly.

7:35: Via Twitter:

Chicagoist.com ‏@Chicagoist
Via our reporter in the field: "people lost teeth, have been bashed in the face, have broken ribs."

7:30: CNN television confirms that the Gov. of Illinois has put the National Guard on stand-by.

Tim Pool's livestream is catching the situation live in Chicago. Follow him @Timcast on Twitter, as well as #NoNATO for more updates. Reports on Twitter that either the US Military or National Guard are in the area on standby. National Guard seems more likely. Twitter reports of an ABC reporter caught in the crowd screaming for help. Paramedics reportedly (Twitter) not being allowed in to attend to the injured. Scott Olsen and other veterans had arrived earlier for what was to be a rally, and they returned their military medals.

Below is Luke Rudkowski's livestream, and you can follow him @LukeWeAreChange on Twitter for updates also. CNN is livestreaming this on the air now, amazing for mainstream media.

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