NYPD Raids Zucotti Park

Early Tuesday morning, riot gear clad NYPD surrounded Zucotti Park, then moved in what appears to be a desperate attempt to clear the area of protesters, their tents, personal belongings, as well as any and all traces that the birthplace of the "Occupy" movement that has swept the nation ever existed at all.

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Early Tuesday morning, riot gear clad NYPD surrounded Zucotti Park, then moved in what appears to be a desperate attempt to clear the area of protesters, their tents, personal belongings, as well as any and all traces that the birthplace of the "Occupy" movement that has swept the nation ever existed at all.

The NYT reports:

"By 1:45 a.m., dozens of officers moved through the park, some bearing plastic shields and wearing helmets. They removed tents and bedding materials, putting them on the sidewalk. Some protesters could be seen leaving the park with their belongings, but a core group of more than 100 hunkered down at the encampment’s kitchen area, linking arms, waving flags, and singing and chanting their refusal to leave the park."

"They sang “We Shall Overcome,” and chanted at the officers to “disobey your orders.”

“If they come in, we’re not going anywhere,” said Chris Johnson, 32, who sat with other remaining protesters near the food area. He said that the protest “has opened up a dialogue that hasn’t existed since I’ve been alive.”

The latest reports have the number of arrestees as high as 25 and counting.

Some other items of note available via Twitter:

From NewYorkObserver:

"Here with credentialed photogs from NYT, WSJ and Reuters they're also being barred from #occupywallstreet"

Michael Moore:

"NYPD Counter Terrorism" unit sent in."


"Looks like they destroyed the bike generators - #globalrevolution live on http://livestream.com/globalrevolution"


"Around 400 #occupiers still holding #libertysq after many arrests."


"City council member Ydanis Rodriguez beaten by #nypd and bleeding from head."


"#nytimes reporter arrested #ows"


"The 5k books of #thepeopleslibrary have been thrown in the trash. #ows"


"Confirmed: pepper spray used on peaceful protesters #ows"


"#nypd uses sound cannon on peaceful #occupiers #ows"


"Bulldozers moving in on #libertysq #ows"


"Folks in #thepeopleskitchen are gassed, tackled, dragged by arms and legs, and all others are being barricaded out so they can't watch #ows"


"#nypd sawing down trees in #libertysq #ows"

Much more to come on this later in the day.

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