Occupy Davos: Protesters Ready Igloos For World Economic Forum

Occupy protesters are taking their message to the World Economic Forum, the annual gathering next week of the wealthy one percent in the Swiss ski resort of Davos, and unveiled their igloo accommodation on Monday.

Occupy protesters are taking their message to the World Economic Forum, the annual gathering next week of the wealthy one percent in the Swiss ski resort of Davos, and unveiled their igloo accommodation on Monday.

Occupy WEF is calling for support to complete "Camp Igloo." Plans for the camp call for two heated teepees, as well as a field kitchen to sit alongside the ice houses with sleeping accommodations for about 50 people in the sub-zero temperatures.

Davos, which brings together politicians, central bankers and business leaders, has become a byword for globalization.

Occupy WEF:

Every year, self-proclaimed «global leaders» allegedly committed to improving the state of the world meet up for the World Economic Forum (WEF) in the Swiss mountains to propagate their own businesses and network amongst the so-called global economic elite.

This year, we will not let them exclude us, the 99%! We say: occupy WEF!

We need your support and rely on your creativity. Join the peaceful protests against the WEF and come to Davos. Help us build the igloo camp starting January 21, 2012.

We are calling for an international day of action! Join us on January 21, 2012 and stand up against the WEF and the 1% that are making the rules of this unfair global economy. Let’s reclaim our own future!

More photos of the prepared igloos here.

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