Occupy Des Moines: 'My Only Regret Is That I Only Have Two Arms To Cuff'

As Des Moines police handcuffed Occupy activists on Monday at a Wells Fargo bank, one protester yelled out “My only regret is that I only have two arms to cuff.”

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As Des Moines police handcuffed Occupy activists on Monday at a Wells Fargo bank, one protester yelled out “My only regret is that I only have two arms to cuff.”

The folks at Occupy Des Moines have been busy protesting at various Wells Fargo branches in their area - as are many other Occupiers - as the date for the Wells Fargo shareholders meeting in San Francisco draws near. It's been anticipated that there may even be infiltrators at the annual meeting that takes place every Spring.

Ten Occupy Des Moines activists were arrested Monday at the Wells Fargo branch downtown during lunch hour:

While police stood on a corner waiting for the jail van to arrive, protesters took Wells Fargo to task over a number of accusations, including foreclosures, inadequate tax payments, and funding of payday lenders and factory farms.

“I’m here today,” yelled Jessica Reznicek in the “mic check” style popularized by the Occupy movement. “To tell the banks to stop using our money to ruin our lives.”

Reznicek, 30, was a member of the Occupy movement in Des Moines and has been arrested several times.

It was a first arrest for others in the group, including two protesters in their 70s.
“My only regret,” shouted Ryan Laudick as police handcuffed him, “is that I only have two arms to cuff.”

The group cheered each time one of their fellow occupiers were loaded into the police van. Misdemeanor citations were issued for standing, loitering and obstructing persons, and all were released shortly afterwards.

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