Occupying The Rose Parade With Livestream

Occupy the Rose Parade plans to descend upon the annual showcase of flowered floats and bands with a undetermined number of protesters. The movement’s latest plans were announced in November and could bring anywhere from 4,000 to 40,000 protesters to the highly attended and viewed event. There will even be a "rapping 'billionaire" to accompany the floats during the event. Watch as they prepare in the video above.

Occupy the Rose Parade plans to descend upon the annual showcase of flowered floats and bands with a undetermined number of protesters. The movement’s latest plans were announced in November and could bring anywhere from 4,000 to 40,000 protesters to the highly attended and viewed event.

There will even be a "rapping 'billionaire" to accompany the floats during the event. Watch as they prepare in the video above.


The demonstrators are planning to form a human float in the shape of an octopus for the third phase, and are expected to trail the final parade float down Colorado Boulevard. The octopus is meant to represent the hold corporations have on the country.

“The last float in the parade is number 43,” said Occupy protester Pete Thottam in a past interview. “We’re going to be float number 44, which coincidentally is the Obama Administration’s float number.”

The Occupiers plan to gather for a pow wow in the final phase of the event, which may include a press conference at Pasadena City Hall and a subsequent music concert.

Though demonstrators maintain they have planned a peaceful protest, the Pasadena Police Department is expected to beef up security at the event. They plan to have helicopters flying above the parade route and to employ an armored vehicle during the parade.

I just don't get what is so threatening, or frightening about a group of hippies gathering for a cause. Especially hippies with floats? C'mon...


"The Pasadena Police Department has reached out to state, local and federal law enforcement partners, as we have done in the past, and we're well prepared for any unusual occurrence that might occur in the Rose Parade," said Pasadena Police Department Chief Phillip Sanchez.

Sanchez says he's met with representatives from the Occupy movement several times, and while the protesters won't be allowed to march in the official parade, they will be able to walk the route right after the last float goes by.

"They have stated that they are not interested nor do they intend to disrupt the parade, or act in a malicious behavior or criminal behavior," Sanchez said.

You can follow the final schedule for Occupy the Rose Parade at their website, and you can view the entire event via livestream below:

Live video for mobile from Ustream

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