Occupy Sandy Guerilla Movie Premier And Other Upcoming NYC Events
For the past month we have come together to support and rebuild communities broken by Hurricane Sandy. As Sharon Lerner wrote in the American Prospect, “the storm handed inequality activists an almost eerily perfect illustration of exactly what they see as wrong with our world.”
For the past month we have come together to support and rebuild communities broken by Hurricane Sandy. As Sharon Lerner wrote in the American Prospect, “the storm handed inequality activists an almost eerily perfect illustration of exactly what they see as wrong with our world.”
In this vein, over Thanksgiving Occupy Sandy joined with communities to share over 10,000 meals. Now we begin to come together to connect the dots from the storm, to climate change, to the reckless greed of the 1%-ers at the forefront of the fossil fuel industry.
The work is far from over, so join us. You can check out the Occupy Sandy Relief NYC Facebook page to get started, or follow @OccupySandy on Twitter.
-- from the ‘Your Inbox: Occupied’ team
TONIGHT, Wednesday, November 28, 6:30pm
Occupy Sandy Guerilla Movie Premier with Josh Fox
Mystery Location - Text @ClimateCrime to 23559 or follow #climatecrime
Join academy-award nominated director Josh Fox (Gasland), Occupy Sandy Relief organizers, 350.org, The Other 98%, and The Illuminator for a Guerilla Premiere of Josh Fox’s new short film “Occupy Sandy: A Human Response to the New Realities of Climate Change,” which viscerally shows the damage left behind by the storm, highlights the heroic grassroots efforts of Occupy activists, and the upcoming fight with the fossil fuel industry. Dress warm, bring hot beverages, be prepared to move and to be moved.
TONIGHT, Wednesday, November 28, 9pm
Occupy Sandy Volunteer Appreciation Night
The Bell House, 149 7th Street, Brooklyn(b/w 2nd-3rd Ave)
Take the F/G/R to 4th Ave - 9th St Station
You are cordially invited to kick back and relax for a few hours this week in appreciation of all of your hard work and dedication to Occupy Sandy relief! There will be LIVE dance beats from DJ RiMix as well as surprise musical performances & more! Drink specials and, of course, no cover charge!
DAILY, Volunteer to Clean-out homes in the Rockaways
Sign Up at respondandrebuild.org/volunteer
Help residents clean and remove debris from their houses. You do not need specific skills for this type of work, just a willingness to get dirty and help. Experienced team leaders will guide your work efforts and keep you safe on the job. If you do have experience or skills in construction, demolition, engineering, or environmental assessment, please contact oscleanout@gmail.com.
Thursday, November 29th, 4pm
People’s Puppets Workshop with Joe Therrien
Brooklyn Workshop Gallery
Joe Therrien and of the OWS People’s Puppets will be doing a puppet workshop. All ages are welcome to come and have a hands-on puppetry experience.
Thursday, November 29, 9pm
Occupy Sandy NY Coordination Conference Call
Everyone is welcome to join a bi-weekly call for updates about Occupy Sandy. You can participate by registering on the call on Maestro or calling in: 530-216-4363 PIN 633112.
Friday, November 30, 8:30am
Drowning in Debt: An Organizing Challenge
Murphy Institute, CUNY, 25 West 43rd St., 18th floor
Is it possible to form a “union” of debtors, capable of delivering debt relief and transforming the predatory debt economy? Speakers – members of Occupy’s Strike Debt Assembly — will explore this possibility along with the strategies needed to realize it.
Saturday, December 1, 2pm
Workshop on Strategic Research with the New York City Radical Reference Collective
Organization of Staff Analysts, 220 East 23rd Street, Suite 707
Anyone who has done organizing or protesting knows that researching your target is essential to all phases of struggle, from building your appeal to the public and locating points of weakness, to forming a coalition and articulating demands. The New York City Radical Reference Collective is an all-volunteer group of librarians and library school students who specialize in research methods for radical activists. This workshop is a great opportunity for anyone involved in planning or conducting a campaign to improve their research skills! All experience levels welcome.
Saturday and Sunday December 1 and 2
#NYTechResponds Sandy Benefit Weekend
It’s been amazing to see how the NY Tech community has stepped up and collaborated across different organizations to help Sandy relief and recovery. But there is still much more for us to do - both to recover now and to prepare before the next disaster hits.The NY Tech community is coming together as #NYTechResponds for a Sandy Relief Agency Conference, Hackathon, and Fundraiser in New York City. This is your opportunity to take what you do best - designing and developing technology - and apply those skills directly to Sandy relief.
REGISTER HERE: http://bit.ly/nytrhack
DONATE HERE: http://bit.ly/nytrgive
Tuesday, December 4th, 6pm
Occupy Public Access TV Studio Team Free Orientation
Brooklyn Center for Media Education
The OPATV Studio Team is looking for new members to help with segments that are shot at BCAT-TV’s studio.The first step is a free 2-hour orientation, which will be held at 6:00 PM-8:00 PM on the first Tuesday of the month (Dec. 4th) and 11:00 AM-1:00 PM on the third Saturday of the month (Dec. 16).
Friday, December 7th, 6pm
Recover, Resist, Rebuild: Labor Speaks out after Sandy
Murphy Institute, 25 W. 43rd Street, 18th Floor
Hurricane Sandy wrecked great swaths of public infrastructure in New York and New Jersey. It is crucial that as we begin to work seriously towards rebuilding our communities, and while the storm has exposed the rampant inequalities in the city, it has also given us an opportunity to find new ways of working together.
Saturday, December 8th, 12:30pm
Occupy Trinity Conference
Trinity Church, 79 Broadway
Trinity Wall Street is having a conference on Radical Christian Life: Equipping Ourselves for Social Change. Occupy Catholics is bringing the conference out into the streets of NYC by hosting a Free Forum (theological and otherwise) on the topic of "A Radical Christian Response...." to the Debt Crisis caused by Wall Street, Hurricane Sandy, and other community building and mutual aid activities. RSVP on the Facebook event page.
[Via OccupyWallSt.]