Occupy Wall Street Updates For The Week Of October 10th

The lastest Occupy Wall Street news, actions and events.

*March Against Monsanto* today, October 12th, Everywhere

The most accurate description of the Federal shutdown is an attempted corporate veto of American democracy. We must act accordingly.

Join us for a test run of a Moral Mondays campaign in NYC at 6pm on October 14th to do just that.

This campaign is inspired by the Moral Mondays protests in North Carolina and has been supercharged by members of Occupy Faith who invite you to take a stand in support of the most vulnerable affected by the government shutdown. And what better place than the former home of the Bill of Rights?

The politicians in Washington are in a crisis of their own making -- but what are the crises that ordinary New Yorkers really face? They tell us what is practical to hope for -- but what are our real hopes?

Come tell your story and hear from others at this inaugural edition of Moral Mondays NYC taking place on the steps of the Federal Hall Memorial on Wall Street!

-- from your Occupy Network team

Take Action

Even during the Government Shutdown, Congress is still working hard for Citigroup!

So hard in fact that Occupy Network team member Alexis Goldstein proclaimed that "We may as well rename congress CitiField" during her premier episode of “Alexis Breaks it Down” from the Other 98%.

HR992 is a particularly insidious example of Citigroup’s stranglehold on Congress. It is the bill that the New York Times reported had 70 out of 85 lines written by a Citigroup Lobbyist, and which passed the House Financial Services Committee with Republican AND Democrat support, including a YES vote from every Freshman Democrat on the Committee. All in all, Wall Street doesn’t just run the show, they quite literally write the law as well.

Pissed off? Take to twitter! Click this link to tweet at House Democratic Whip @WhipHoyer, or add in your own Rep!

Occupy in the News

According to ABC News and designtrend, graffiti artist Banksy has been decorating the streets of New York once again in a month long “artist’s residence.” The most recent piece “authenticated” on his Instagram account features a large painted Occupy sign in Bushwick, under which he has written in attractive script “the musical.” Do with it what you will.

An article at Waging Non-Violence refutes the notion that the government shut down or Tea Party Libertarianism has anything to do with anarchism or its core values, as was suggested by Harry Reid in the barb “Tea Party Anarchists.” As the author makes clear: “the parts of the government that the shutdown strips away are among those that bring us closer to being a truly free, egalitarian society…” and that anarchists, such as those involved in the “anarchist-inspired Occupy movement” seek, not as is widely misunderstood, the “absence of government,” but “a society in which ordinary people can freely and democratically govern themselves, organizing to meet everyone’s basic needs.”

At the Salt Lake Tribune, coverage of a protest by Occupy Zion, in which a group of protesters entered Zion National Park, closed due to the federal shutdown. The action is part of a larger effort, Occupy National Parks, and consisted of a delightful two mile hike during which the group picked up garbage from the trail, and no arrests.

At Pitchfork, Radiohead’s Thom Yorke and Robert ‘3D’ Del Naja of Massive Attack talk about their support of the Occupy Movement. An album and HD video of a performance the two gave in 2011 for Occupy London is due out soon on a ‘pay what you want basis’ with proceeds to benefit Occupy London and the greater Occupy movement.

The site gofundme has a push to help raise funds so that five New York City occupiers, who have worked hard for the movement, can go home.

Occupy Radio

Tune in to Waging Nonviolence Radio with Eve Silber, an Occupy Network team member. In the latest episode, Eve talks with reporter Nick Engelfried about his new article “How to Stop a Coal Train in its Tracks,” written after 14 people nonviolently shut down the transportation tracks in Montana. You’ll also hear from columnist Nadine Bloch about her article tracing the history of hunger strikes and offering some lessons in her new article, “Rules for (Hunger-Striking) Radicals.”

Listen in to Disorderly Conduct with Alexis Goldstein, who is also on the Occupy Network team, co-hosting with Jesse Myerson The federal government may be shut down, but Wall Street is still working Congress. During a discussion of The Origin of Capitalism, an unexpected call comes from Wall Street Alexis. And Laura Gottesdiener joins the show to discuss her new book, A Dream Foreclosed, about how racist housing policy makes billions for Wall Street.

Occupy These Actions & Events

Friday, October 11th, 8:00am

99 Pickets: Grand Cafe Campaign

Grand Café (230 Park Ave, located in the tunnel just W of the "Park Avenue Viaduct" between 45th and 46th). Meet at 46th St. and Vanderbilt.

Since immigrant workers at Grand Café began organizing against wage theft, intimidation and abuse in the workplace, FOUR workers have been illegally fired in retaliation. This has only strengthened their resolve, but they are even stronger with the NYC community standing with them. We will be there every Friday morning in Oct., 8-9am*, and other mornings and lunch hours TBA. Email 99pickets@gmail.com for details and regular updates.

Friday, October 11th, 7:00pm

Illuminator Dance Party and Secret Project Debut!

The Commons, 388 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn

We are celebrating the birth of a new guerrilla projection tool and recouping some funds in the best way possible--dancing our faces off! Extraordinary live music by DJ Stewey Decimal. Live visual projections by Michael Glen, Grayson Earle, Matt Starr, The Illuminator and more. We're asking for a $10-20 sliding scale donation at the door and will host a raffle during the evening.

October 12 and 13, 5:30pm - 10:30pm

New Economy Film Festival

Downtown Community Television Center (DCTV) at 87 Lafayette St.

The New Economy Film Festival is two-evening event that showcases newly released, highly acclaimed documentaries and shorts that explore both the failings of the current mainstream economy and the growing movement to build more a just and sustainable future. Here is the schedule for day 1 and here it is for day 2. The film festival is produced in association with the New Economics Institute and launched to coordinate with New Economy Week (October 11th to 18th.) This festival is the first of its kind to focus on the themes of our failing economy and the emerging movement to shape a more just and regenerative system.

Saturday, October 12th, noon-9pm & Sunday, October 13th, 11am-5pm

Turn the Tide on Sandy- Art Building Day

20 Jay Street, Brooklyn, 2nd Floor

Community Art build this Saturday and Sunday to prepare for the Sandy Anniversary march on October 27th! One Year after Hurricane Sandy, New Yorkers still feel the impact of lost housing, low wages and missing services. On October 26th, we will rally at city hall to tell the next mayor that we want a just rebuilding and a stronger new york. To make this demand visible, we will be making hundreds of cardboard waves- turning the crowd into a human powered tide- a tide with the power to turn itself, a tide that turns from grievances to demands. PLEASE COME HELP! No art making experience necessary! All welcome! Food provided! Drop in at any point!

Saturday, October 12th, 1pm

March Against Monsanto

Bryant Park, 42nd St. at 6th ave.

On May 25, 2013, five thousand New Yorkers joined over two million people across the world to March Against Monsanto, the multinational agro-business that has a stranglehold on our global food supply. The coalition we have formed is large and includes parents, farmers, doctors, Vietnam Veterans, and activists against cronyism, business in politics, intellectual property law, and many other fields. This Saturday, October 12, we will bring this shared vision to the city in words, song, and creative action in a permitted march and meeting beginning in Bryant Park, 1pm. Read more about the millions mobilizing against Monsanto at Occupy.com.

Tuesday, October 15th. 9:00pm (sharp!) - 9:45pm

Guerilla projection launch of a short film on NSA surveillance

Washington Square Park. Gather at the Arch

A celebratory gathering to launch our definitive video about NSA surveillance projected on the side of a building in bustling Manhattan! Join internet and freedom lovers from across New York for a quick and fun event while we officially launch a game-changing video about government surveillance, project by the Illuminator. Share this Flyer: http://i.imgur.com/neBNjRS.jpg

Friday, October 18th, 6:00 - 9:00pm and Saturday, October 19th, 12noon - 4:00pm

The Alternatives Fair: OWS arts and labor

Eyebeam, 540 West 21st Street

The Alternatives Fair aims to connect and make visible entities and projects that provide alternative economic models based on mutual aid, cooperation, and other non-exploitative and non-oppressive practices for sustaining the livelihood of artists, art workers, and other populations. It is the first step in answering the question, What Do We Do Now? On October 18 + 19 we will come together for self-organized workshops, skill-shares, informal presentations, and information tables. Groups and individuals interested in taking part contact: al.altecon@gmail.com. Full schedule and list of tables coming soon. http://www.whatdowedonow.info/

Friday, October 18th - Monday, October 21th

Power Shift

Pittsburgh, PA

It’s crunch time for the climate, and the Power Shift conference is acting in kind! On October 18-21 thousands of young people will gather in Pittsburgh, PA to rise up for a clean and just energy future. One part we are particularly excited about is the conversation with progressive social media All-Stars. It will be held on Sunday morning, and features Occupy Network team member Winnie Wong, day-1 occupier Nelini Stamp, a major occupy-ally in Josh Bolotsky of the Other 98%, and more. Can’t make it but want to help? Donate to send NYC youth leaders to #PowerShift 2013!

Saturday, October 19th, 11am - 3pm

Protect NY Food, Wine, and Beer: The Global Frackdown is Near

Park at Pier 62

On October 19th, anti-fracking activists from all over the world will participate in the 2nd annual Global Frackdown! The NYC anti-fracking coalition of groups will gather outside a brunch held by Governor Cuomo to focus on the health of our NY food, wine, beer this year. Without healthy soil, air and water... we lose the precious trio that nurtures and feeds our families and friends.

Thursday, October 24th, 5pm

Occupy for a Living Wage

Herald Square, 34th Street & 6th Avenue

In solidarity with the 75th Anniversary of the passing of the minimum wage law there will be a massive direct action to support raising the minimum wage to at least 15 dollars a hour for fast food. low wage and all workers. Help plan this action every Tuesday at 60 Wall Street, facilitated by the Labor Outreach Committee of Occupy Wsll Street and Friday's also at 60 Wall Street at 7:00pm, facilitated by The People’s Power Assemblies, 99% OWS Weekly Assembly and Occu-Evolve (OWS).

Friday, October 25th - Sunday, November 24th


The Abrons Art Center, 466 Grand Street, Lower East Side, NYC.

Grand opening party - Friday October 25th, 6-9 pm

Exhibit and series of events focusing on art and activism. Opening party will include OWS People’s Puppets and the OWS Illuminator. Open daily, 10 am - 10 pm, except Mondays. One ongoing project comes from Occupy Oakland - Dream of Things that Never Have Been but Someday Will Be - working with students to vision that “another world is possible.”

Sunday, October 27th, 4:30pm

Turn the Tide on Sandy

City Hall, 260 Broadway

One year after Hurricane Sandy, millions of aid dollars have been given to New York City but our communities continue to feel the devastation, hunger, homelessness, and displacement. Our new mayor has a unique opportunity to turn this tide and create a more equal city.

Tuesday October 29th, 11am - 9 pm.

The Artist Volunteer Center Day of Service, and launch of the 100 Hour Challenge
The Abrons Art Center, 466 Grand Street, Lower East Side, NYC.

The Artist Volunteer Center is holding a day of service, on the anniversary of Hurricane Sandy making landfall on NYC. Launching the 100 Hour Challenge, connecting artists and art people to volunteer opportunities, and asking for a pledge of 100 hours of service over 6 months. Many volunteer organizations will be present to discuss a broad range of opportunities, from after-school sports programs to visiting the elderly. (Organized by Occupy Sandy and Respond and Rebuild alumni.)

Wednesday, October 30, 7pm

It’s Our Money: Making the Economy Work for Us

All Souls Unitarian Church, Reidy Friendship Hall

1157 Lexington Avenue (at 80th Street)

The top 1% captured 95% of the income gains in the past five years. The economy is not working for the average person. Median wages are declining while Wall Street bonuses are rising. It doesn’t have to be this way. Big Apple Coffee Party and All Souls Peace and Justice Task Force are presenting this forum to explore alternative economic models and what we can do to transform the economy.

Wednesday, October 30, 7pm


Abrons Art Center, 466 Grand St, NYC 10002

Reading Ben Davis’ recently published book, 9.5 Theses on Art and Class. The book club will meet for 4 consecutive Wednesdays, starting Oct 30th, to read activist Ben Davis’ recent book, looking at class issues in the art world. Further facilitated by OWS activist, artist, and curator Kristian Nammack. Is there room for the 99% in today’s art world?

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