Occupy Wall Street Weekly Round-Up

Weekly Round-Up: Actions, events and Occupy in the news.

Credit: occupywallstreet.net

On Saturday, June 29th, 99 Pickets will be conducting a funeral march to shame U.S. retailers.

Come call out the retailers that haven't signed the “Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh”, which would require companies to participate in and fund a program of independent safety inspections, remediation, and worker safety trainings with the involvement of trade unions.

Join us at Petrosino Square (Spring St. and Lafayette) at 1pm, and dress for mourning. We’ll let SoHo shoppers know about these corporations’ murderous inaction!

More details available at occupywallstreet.net, including on how to join the correlated #seizethesolstice Twitter Storm.

It's time to tell Gap, Banana Republic, North Face, Timberland, American Eagle, Target, Sears, Old Navy, and Walmart: "Stop the bloodshed. Sign the Accord."

-- from the ‘Your Inbox: Occupied’ team


occupywallst.org parses out the international situation in Turkey, Brazil, and Greece and invites us to join in solidarity with those countries in Liberty Plaza on Saturday. Come to join in “creating a common space of resistance!”

At The Guardian, an author explains why the spirit of protest, and of Occupy, that first burned so hot in 2011 is very much alive around the globe and will continue to flair up for decades to come. The “central tension [of these protests] is surely between a revolution in communication that is transforming people’s expectation of influence and voice, and closed networks of power that tie together corporations and government.”

Interoccupy has coverage of the ongoing #NATO3 court case in Chicago. It seems the investigators, “mysteriously (and conveniently for them),” kept neither their cell phones nor their text messages from the investigation. The defense has filed new motions to dismiss what are ridiculous charges. On June 25th, the court will reconvene and supporters ask that you be there to pack the courtroom!

At The Hill, musings on the America the next presidential candidates must address: “There is something powerful and profound happening in America and around the world. There are commonalities between the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street movements, and between those demonstrating in Brazil and those still pursuing the Arab Spring. They are the commonalities of opposition to insider elites and insider establishments of all kinds, in all places.”

Commercial Appeal covers a new tactic reinvigorating labor organizations: taking after OWS! By organizing protests around the country on issues of income inequality, such as the minimum wage, the Change to Win Federation, made up of unions including Service Employees International, has developed a plan to protest first, gain some practical results, and sign up new members after.

At boston.com and bigstory, the AP reports that the IRS enjoyed targeting all kinds of people, and that terms such as “Israel,” “Progressive,” and “Occupy,” not just conservative key words, also pricked up their ears. Nice to know their use of “inappropriate criteria” targeted the full spectrum of citizens. As House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp put it: “This culture of political discrimination and intimidation goes far beyond basic management failure...”

It was an honor to turn up in June 19th’s New York Times crossword puzzle. The clue to 46 down was: Modern protest name. The answer: six letters you know well. A title, a verb, an exhortation!


Speak Out on Federal Hall Steps
Federal Hall

The year 2013 is a special year as it marks the 150th year of the Emancipation proclamation, the 100 year Birthday of Rosa Parks, and the 50 year anniversary of Dr. King's Letter From A Birmingham Jail and The March on Washington. To commemorate all of these historic events we will assemble on the Steps of Federal Hall at 26 Wall Street and Read from a Letter From A Birmingham Jail, and other documents from those times, as well as have a speakout on issues of Justice and Democracy. If you want your voice heard--Join Us and come speak your mind. Every Friday at 5:30pm.

Restore the Fourth NYC
Union Square

A rally and march from Union Square to demand that the government reform its unconstitutional spying programs and respect the 4th Amendment rights of Americans. We call on all individuals to blockade, disrupt and disobey the architecture of repression in their own cities. We act against the surveillance state not because it has overstepped an imaginary line, we rebel against it for the simple fact that it is designed to intimidate, imprison and demoralize us.



Occupy Town Square: Homecoming and Global People’s Assembly
Liberty Plaza

Occupy Town Square is coming home to Zuccotti Park / Liberty Square! We join forces with the Homecoming group for a day long occupation where it all began.
At 3pm attend a Global People's Assembly to learn about the uprisings in Turkey, Greece and Brazil. Let’s hear report-backs from these locations, share stories, chants and tactics, and stand in Solidarity with one another! If you want to hold a teach-in, training, discussion, performance, whatever, let us know. We will use an open space format to structure the day, so just stop by the info table to post your event. All are welcome! Accessible to all!


Kimani Gray Vigil
55th Street and Church Avenue, Brooklyn

Support the Shantel Davis Family and The Kimani Gray family as they continue to fight for justice for their loved ones, who were taken away by Bloomberg’s army (NYPD). Come out and bring a lot information about all the struggles that we are confronted with on a daily basis. There are going to be many youths out there and we need to fill their brains with the proper food. Come out and meet the East Flatbush community and together we can show them that a better world is possible! Share with others!

Credit: NYCGA


Labor Outreach Committee Forum
PSC 61 Broadway, 16th FL
6 PM – Food Served, 6:30 PM – Forum begins

In response to AFL-CIO President. Richard Trumka's call for a redirection of the labor movement the Occupy Wall Street Labor Outreach Committee is holding the forum.


Occupy Data Workshop
365 5th Avenue

Occupy Data will having a 3-day Intensive Data Anywhere Workshop at the CUNY Graduate Center. A non-exhaustive list of people this workshop will interest includes: open data enthusiasts, community and other groups interested in opening their data, developers, and researchers. Please help get the word out.

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