#OccupyCal: Police Clash With Students

Police in riot gear were sent in to take down tents from in front of Sproul Hall at the University of California at Berkeley after students held a noon rally and march to protest tuition and fee increases for university students and funding cuts to all levels of public education.

Police in riot gear were sent in to take down tents from in front of Sproul Hall at the University of California at Berkeley after students held a noon rally and march to protest tuition and fee increases for university students and funding cuts to all levels of public education.

Students remained peaceful with arms linked as the front line sustained a brutal assault with police batons. If you watch the lower left corner of the screen, you'll see that at least one person is just beaten relentlessly by possibly more than one officer.

Came across this on Twitter from "OccupyOakland":

Josh Stephens, English Dept Phd & instructor, in urgent care after a beating from UCPD for setting up a tent at #OccupyCal. #oo #solidarity

At least three others were treated for injuries from the police batons.


"The chancellor of U.C. Berkeley sent out an email to students saying the school stands "ready to support our campus community in leading the movement in a way that is productive, dignified and consequential."

"The letter goes on to say the university will not allow students to set up tents or encampment structures."

"UC Berkeley has confirmed to ABC7 that six people were arrested in connection with the 'Occupy' movement in the afternoon; one of those arrests was for alleged police interference. More arrests were made in the evening, but a final count has yet to be released."

There's also an aeriel footage video here, which is down at the moment, and following the 'Tweets' from Occupy Cal that show up below the video screen, this is because the news helicopter left to refuel. More Tweets mention tear gas canisters, and more arrests coming. I'll certainly check for updates on the situation in the coming hours.

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