Quick, Someone Call Paul Ryan A WAAAHMBULANCE!

Rep. Paul Ryan said during a conservative conference Friday that the focus on health-care reform was a big reason why he and Mitt Romney lost the 2012 presidential campaign. “We had to argue against the promise and the rhetoric of President Obama,” Ryan griped.

Why can't this guy get it through his thick skull that it's a good thing that more people can take care of their health needs? Rep. Paul Ryan said during a conservative conference Friday that the focus on health-care reform was a big reason why he and Mitt Romney lost the 2012 presidential campaign. “We had to argue against the promise and the rhetoric of President Obama,” Ryan griped. He called the law, which has since been implemented, an “assault” on Americans’ freedom.

Too bad there’s not much he can do about it now.


Ryan said the attendees of the Faith & Freedom conference constitute the political “mainstream” and need to work to “reclaim the center” in American politics.

“The left likes to think that we are the fringe. Guess what? You and I, we are the mainstream,” he said. “When you take a look at what’s happening, the goal we have in front of us is to reclaim the center of our politics.”

I don't recall ever hearing failed former presidential and vice-presidential candidates whine so much and for so long after a loss before in my life. And the loss is never their own fault. Get some therapy, Paul Ryan. People like their Obamacare. Get over it already.

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