Reawakening America: From Poverty To Prosperity

"The huge, catastrophic, tactical mistake that they made was ... when they went after the people who have things and took them away from them ... If you've been in the middle class, and you've had that nice home, and you've been able to send your children to the university, and now the system says,'We're taking that away from you,' well, there's hell to pay."

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"The huge, catastrophic, tactical mistake that they made was ... when they went after the people who have things and took them away from them ... If you've been in the middle class, and you've had that nice home, and you've been able to send your children to the university, and now the system says,'We're taking that away from you,' well, there's hell to pay."

– Michael Moore at Tavis Smiley's Remaking America
with Barbara Ehrenreich, Cornel West and more

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