Rumors Of The Demise Of OWS Have Been Greatly Exaggerated
The wave of Occupy protests in 2011 was forcibly suppressed. But it changed public debate, inspiring a generation of activists
OWS Anniversary -- 99 percent vs. 1 percent fight continues -- The wave of Occupy protests in 2011 was forcibly suppressed. But it changed public debate, inspiring a generation of activists.
Videographer Luke Rudkowski talks with Chris Hedges on the 2 year anniversary of Occupy Wall Street on Tuesday, in Zuccotti Park. Hedges has followed the movement since the beginning, and has an excellent assessment of the problems with OWS, where it's been, and where it may be headed next.
In this video, the NYPD makes 3 arrests in 3 minutes early Tuesday during an Occupy Wall Street march.
More footage of the OWS march on Tuesday. My best guestimate, is that at least 1,000 attended the festivities in NYC, although mainstream media tossed around "about 100" which is clearly off by at least hundreds. Granted, it is fewer than even last year on the anniversary. Getting pepper-sprayed and having your head beat into the ground likely has something to do with that.
In this video an NYPD Sergeant approaches a group of protestors and asks them if they have received permission to exercise their 1st amendment right. Luke Rudkowski then decides to film the interaction which lead to the Police officer requesting Luke to stop. As if! Luke Rudkowski is fearless.
Here's Brookfield Security at Zuccotti Park, and about half-way through you can finally see what's going on; they've declared Zuccotti Park a cardboard-free zone. No cardboard, no protest signs. Anything to quash freedom of speech. Oh, and no bicycles. No skateboards. Nothing with wheels.
More to come on Tuesday's events as video becomes available.