Satanists Rally For Florida Governor Rick Scott

The Satanic Temple is planning its first major rally, which will be held in support of Florida Gov. Rick Scott later this month...

Despised dog abandoner Governor Rick Scott of Florida, plagued by low approval ratings in the polls, finally has a new group of supporters -- the Satanists.

The Satanic Temple is planning its first major rally, which will be held in support of Gov. Rick Scott later this month for signing a bill that allows for the possibility of prayer in public schools.


The Florida bill that has delighted the Satanists is Senate Bill 98 and gives students "sole discretion in determining whether an inspirational message is to be delivered" at a student assembly. The bill prohibits school officials from participating in or influencing whether an inspirational message will be delivered.

Satanists feel that the policy "does a lot to support religious diversity," according to Greaves.

"The Satanic Temple embraces the free expression of religion, and Satanists are happy to show their support of Rick Scott who -- particularly with SB 98 -- has reaffirmed our American freedom to practice our faith openly, allowing our Satanic children the freedom to pray in school," the Temple said in a release announcing the rally.

'This is a great country. Everyone has a voice,' Gov. Scott's press secretary wrote in an email to ABCNews.com when asked about the rally."

A spokesman for The Satanic Temple estimates that "thousands" will attend the rally, based on online interest.

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