Sheriff's Deputies Refuse To Evict 103-year Old Woman

Sheriff''s deputies and movers hired by Chase bank, arrived at the home of Vinia Hall on Tuesday after the bank foreclosed on the Atlanta, GA home and obtained an order of eviction. After meeting Ms. Hall -who turns 104 in December - and her 84-year old daughter who had lived in the home together for over 50 years...decided there was no way they were removing the women from the home and left.

Sheriff''s deputies and movers hired by Chase bank, arrived at the home of Vinia Hall on Tuesday after the bank foreclosed on the Atlanta, GA home and obtained an order of eviction. After meeting Ms. Hall -who turns 104 in December - and her 84-year old daughter who had lived in the home together for over 50 years...decided there was no way they were removing the women from the home and left.

Ms. Hall's daughter had to be rushed to a hospital because the possibility of becoming homeless with her mother proved to be just too much for her.

Seems the mother and daughter had been fighting for years with the bank - the loan is held by Deustche Bank but is being serviced locally by Chase - as they had enough money to pay the loan, but were having a difficult time getting Chase to accept a payment.


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