Solidarity Pizzas - Thank-you From Occupy Tacoma

Believe it or not, there actually is an Amato's pizza place, no relation to John, that we know of! Many thanks to Tina for snapping this one during her travels. Mad props to all who contributed to the Solidarity Pizzas! We've received a


Believe it or not, there actually is an Amato's pizza place, no relation to John, that we know of! Many thanks to Tina for snapping this one during her travels.

Mad props to all who contributed to the Solidarity Pizzas! We've received a lovely thank-you note from the people on the ground in Tacoma, who tell us that we have excellent timing.

"Your timing was incredible. We had just erected a new larger tent for our food and media center. We were all soaking wet and shivering when your pizzas arrived like manna from heaven! You have no idea what a boost to our morale. Thanks so much from one of the occupiers! I think I can speak for all when I send you hugs and warm wishes."

Included with the note were some awesome photos from Occupy Tacoma, and I've put them into a slideshow for your viewing pleasure. Note that among the photos is the new tent they were building when the pizzas arrived. I especially love the Tacoma "Peace Tree."

Thank-you for sending these, Tacoma! We're all with you in solidarity. Keep donating if you can.

Just click on the photo below to move the slideshow.

Occupy Tacoma - slideshows

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