Stop Wal-Mart's Profits From Workers' Deaths

On November 25th, 112 workers burned to death in a factory fire in Bangladesh producing garments for Walmart. The Port of Newark is a major entryway for Walmart garments coming from Bangladesh. Walmart is going to profit off of the garments these workers died to make...

On November 25th, 112 workers burned to death in a factory fire in Bangladesh producing garments for Walmart. The Port of Newark is a major entryway for Walmart garments coming from Bangladesh. Walmart is going to profit off of the garments these workers died to make.

Unless we block the boat.

Walmart - the world's largest employer and 1% corporation - refuses to take responsibility, compensate the families, or take any action to prevent needless deaths like this from happening again. The 1% must not profit from the workers' deaths in Bangladesh!

On Tuesday December 18th, buses will be leaving at 6am from Canal and Broadway in Manhattan to head to the port.

If you’re not taking the bus, the staging ground location will be the IKEA parking lot in Elizabeth, NJ at 7am. Timing is critical.

We're calling on Occupiers near all East Coast ports to be on alert if the cargo ship is re-routed to dock at another port.


#D18 #OccupyThePort #BlockTheBoat.

[Via OWS]

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