Occupy Wall Street Wins Court Case: Barricades Down At Zuccotti Park

Less than two days after the NYCLU demanded that Brookfield Properties remove the barricades preventing the public from accessing Zuccotti Park, the property management company has done just that. Earlier this evening, the barricades were removed and stacked off to the sides, permitting visitors to enter the park.

Less than two days after the NYCLU demanded that Brookfield Properties remove the barricades preventing the public from accessing Zuccotti Park, the property management company has done just that. Tuesday evening, the barricades were removed and stacked off to the sides, permitting visitors to enter the park.

With freedom comes responsibility; according to one occupier, "Brookfield Security said unless we do something stupid the park will remain open!"

But the rules that Brookfield designed to foil the occupation still seem to be in effect, which would mean tents and even simply lying down are forbidden. After evicting the occupiers and putting up the barricades, the NYPD had also prohibited anyone from entering the park with large bags, and stopped the Occupy Wall Street kitchen from distributing food.

It wasn't just the protesters who opposed the barricades. According to an attorney who helped pressure Brookfield to remove the barricades says some 100 local residents sent letters to Brookfield demanding their removal. For now, they remain at the park, dormant but ready and waiting for the first sign of "stupidity." So far, they're just playing chess, celebrating, and holding the General Assembly.

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