'Vampires' March Against JPMorgan Chase
Occupiers and other activist groups paid a visit to "the blood-sucking vampires of the housing crisis."
"Vampires" marched to the Minneapolis U.S. Attorney’s office and the offices of JPMorgan Chase on Monday to demand a settlement that keeps people in their homes instead of just providing “blood money” in the form of settlement checks that don't adequately compensate people who were wrongly foreclosed upon.
The action was part of #Not1MoreEviction National Day of Action, with actions in five cities.
"As Halloween approaches, Occupy Homes MN said it had, “Marched on some of the scariest monsters of all, the blood-sucking vampires of the housing crisis, demanding a JPMorgan and Federal Housing Finance Agency settlement that will stop the bleeding of the housing crisis and keep Jaymie Kelly in her home.”
This week, as JPMorgan and the FHFA prepared to finalize a total $13 billion settlement with the Department of Justice, the firm also filed a second eviction order for Jaymie Kelly, a Powderhorn homeowner who has lived in her house 30 years and paid for its value more than five times.
“The first priority of the settlement should be to keep people in their homes,” said Kelly, who is now facing imminent eviction by JPMorgan Chase and Freddie Mac, which operates under the FHFA. “JPMorgan Chase refused to work with me after I fell behind on a predatory loan, even though I had paid for my home five times over. Now, even as they pay a record settlement for their actions, they still want to evict me from my home of 30 years. I am not interested in a settlement check. I want a negotiation with principal reduction to stay in my home. I am hopeful they will work together to keep homeowners facing unjust eviction, like me, in their homes. Until then I will continue fighting for my right to stay in my home.”
More on this at the Uptake.