Mike's Blog Round Up
Happy Sunday. Here's hoping your favorite football team doesn't make you as mad as the Rethuglican pols on the Sunday Morning Talk Shows. Now why didn't Bill Clinton support a 'GOP Chip' that would censor that? First Draft nails it on the 'first
Happy Sunday. Here's hoping your favorite football team doesn't make you as mad as the Rethuglican pols on the Sunday Morning Talk Shows. Now why didn't Bill Clinton support a 'GOP Chip' that would censor that?
First Draft nails it on the 'first draft': 'Symbolic' is the New 'Bulls**t'
Pruning Shears:Tracking the new financial WMDs
P.M. Carpenter on the Nuclear Treaty: Is 'New Start' Obama's New Start?
The Impolitic: Are Democrats talking the talk on tax cuts?
Brilliant at Breakfast: Updating the American Idiot Watch
Guest post by Don Davis of The Satirical Political Report. E-mail tips to Don at satiricalpolitical AT gmail DOT com.