Mike's Blog Round Up
Well, I just saw the Valerie Plame movie 'Fair Game.' If you haven't seen it, and don't want me to ruin the ending, just head straight to the Round Up below, and skip my mini-review in the next 16 words .... "well-acted, well-produced, but
Well, I just saw the Valerie Plame movie 'Fair Game.' If you haven't seen it, and don't want me to ruin the ending, just head straight to the Round Up below, and skip my mini-review in the next 16 words .... "well-acted, well-produced, but unfortunately, the Bush Administration's bastards still get away with bloody murder!"
The Left Coaster: Dems Should Be Framing 'The Bottom 99 Percent'
Seeing the Forest: The Shock Doctrine Push To Gut Social Security And Middle Class
Muddy Politics: GOP Efforts to Defund NPR Fall Short
And from The States "Wrongs" Movement: Pensito Review on the GOP Arizona 'Death Panels, and Pam's House Blend with the South Carolina group planning 'peaceful secession.'
Guest post by Don Davis of The Satirical Political Report. E-mail tips to Don at satiricalpolitical AT gmail DOT com.