has been around for a while, at least the past thirty years. Since his
there has ever been anything racist or anti-Semitic about him or anything he stands for. In fact some quick research gets you some very glossed over phrases like "white national" when used to describe his ideology.
On January 9, 1974 then National Information Director of the KKK David Duke agreed to an interview with talk show host Michael Jackson for Los Angeles radio station KABC. The twenty minute interview blows a few myths.
Michael Jackson: “Do you find anything admirable in Nazism?”
David Duke: “Oh I think that they had a couple points there that were right on.”
Jackson: “Really?”
Duke: “Certainly they were. There are very few things on this earth that are totally wrong . .
Jackson: “What is wrong?”
Duke: “ I think they were right about race.”
Jackson: “And they had the final solution?”
Duke: “I don’t agree with that kind of a statement.”
Jackson: “But they were right about race you said.”
Duke: “I think that they were.”
Jackson: “And they had the final solution, they had ovens.”
Duke: “Well I don’t agree with that. I don’t think . .I don’t think genocide is an answer. I think race mixing is a genocide of the races.”