August 15, 1951 - "Scandal Mongers With Rotten Motives".

News of the day for August 15, 1951 - Senate Crime Commission Hearing dealing with Crime and New York Politics. Testimony from former O'Dwyer aid Irving Sherman blacked out at his request. Truce talks deadlock in Korea. Debate on Foreign Aid Bill postponed. Great Britain will still trade with Communist countries. Sen. Joe McCarthy wants equal time to answer Truman address citing Scandal Mongers with Rotten Motives. HUAC hearings to continue. Classical Piano legend Artur Schnabel dies at 69 from long illness and Iran rejects British proposal to split oil profits 50-50.

Senate Crime Investigation Committee - the Press black-out caused howls.

August 15, 1951 - one those days they point to when dispelling the myth of the Dog Days of Summer. The ongoing Senate Crime Investigation Committee Hearings, focusing on Crime and New York Politics heard from Irving Sherman, an associate of former New York Mayor-turned Ambassador to Mexico William O'Dwyer. The problem was, Sherman didn't want the proceedings filmed or broadcast in any way, citing a distraction and a conflict with his "peace and serenity" (his words). The committee obliged and it created a storm of protest from the Press, including a very vocal denunciation from the Radio Correspondents Association. The proceedings went on anyway and Sherman painted a wildly unflattering portrait of his former pal and O'Dwyer's links to organized crime during his tenure in office.

Down the hall, House Un-American Activities Committee hearings were resuming regarding the Whittaker Chambers affair.

In another part of Capitol Hill. Debate on the new Foreign Aid bill was postponed and it was learned, with some consternation, that Great Britain was going to continue trading with Communist Bloc countries despite how the U.S. felt about it.

President Truman made an address the previous night where he lambasted the voices of the shrill, calling them "scandal mongers with rotten motives" while not naming names. And true to his paranoia, Senator Joe McCarthy swore Harry was talking about him and demanded equal time on TV and radio to answer Truman's charges.

Truce talks were deadlocked in Korea and the war dragged on. Iran rejected a British proposal to split oil profits 50-50 in the midst of Iran's nationalizing it's oil production.

And famed Piano virtuoso Artur Schnabel died in Switzerland at the age of 69 after a long illness.

All in a day and with far-reaching consequences, as reported by Edward R. Murrow And The News with Don Hollenbeck substituting from CBS Radio on August 15, 1951.

Sort of makes you wonder what under-the-radar news item today will come up and bite us in the future.

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