August 6, 1945 - The Day The World Changed

(Hiroshima - Three Hours After the blast - the lucky ones went first) [media id=17751] Sixty-five years ago to the day, the world changed. With th

Hiroshima close up three hours after the bomb_34c10.jpg
(Hiroshima - Three Hours After the blast - the lucky ones went first)

Sixty-five years ago to the day, the world changed. With the Atomic Bomb attack on Hiroshima, it stopped being a conventional world and became a terrifying new one, a world where obliteration could be had in a matter of seconds.

The initial reports were hazy, not sure what exactly had happened, not really clear what kind of bomb this thing was. All they knew was Hiroshima was a vast pile of smoking ruins. The true extent of the damage wouldn't be known for weeks or even decades later.

This report came shortly after the B-29 bomber, the Enola Gay had returned to base, the crew still stunned at what had happened.

And before the damage could be assessed another one was dropped three days later on Nagasaki.

No turning back. The box was opened.

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