Backstage Weekend - The Style Council - Live In Concert 1984

(The Style Council - sly political sendup) [media id=17686] Since we at Newstalgia take requests, I've had several over the past few weeks for som

(The Style Council - sly political sendup)

The Style Council and I didn't think twice.

A great band that didn't have the same appeal over here as they did in the UK, probably having more to do with the Thatcher Years and political statements germane to the UK than the U.S. - the whole concept behind The Style Council was taking the Punk/Mod ethos that was The Jam (Paul Weller's previous group) and weaving it into a highly conservative appearing setting, adapting that wonderful concept known as "taking the piss".

The result was wildly successful, but mostly misunderstood over here. Like I said, we didn't have Thatcher and our idea of class consciousness isn't the same. So it fell largely on perplexed ears.

But in 1984, Style Council were riding the crest of a wave and this concert captures them right there.


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