December 16, 1957 - NATO And The Cold War.
What made the West so nervous. News on this day was dominated by the NATO Summit Conference which was getting underway in Paris. President Eisenhower had addressed the assembly and the big concern on everyone's mind was the Cold War. The question
News on this day was dominated by the NATO Summit Conference which was getting underway in Paris. President Eisenhower had addressed the assembly and the big concern on everyone's mind was the Cold War. The question of stockpiling nuclear weapons in NATO countries was a subject for much discussion and fear was the big factor in talking about Soviet missile capabilities.
Meanwhile on Capitol Hill, hearings were underway regarding the Vanguard Space Program and the missile failures that had been occurring recently. Also news on the Atlas Missile program and a scrapped launch that had been scheduled to take place earlier in the day. Needless to say, morale around NASA was getting pretty low.
And that was what was going on during this particular December 16 in 1957. Further evidence of a nervous decade as reported on The Don Lee Newsreel via Mutual.