December 1st, 1986 And "That Rag In Beirut".

News of the day for December 1, 1986 - the blame game and the Press. Reagan blames the press for exposing the Iran-Contra scandal. And the press hasn't been the same since.

" . . .and if it wasn't for that rag in Beirut . ."

press for starting the whole thing.

Jacqueline Adams (CBS News): “He (President Reagan) directed his anger over the Iran crisis not toward his staff but toward the press. ‘What is driving me up the wall’, Mister Reagan said, ‘is that this wasn’t a failure until the Press got a tip from that rag in Beirut and began to play it out.’ “

When in doubt, blame the messenger.

And lest we all forget, it was announced on this day that Hollywood legend Cary Grant died on November 29th.

Some day, this first one in December.

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