December 7, 1947 - Life In A Post War World

News of the day on the sixth anniversary of Pearl Harbor, Sunday December 7, 1947. Different world. Postwar economy. Postwar Japan, Emergency aid to Europe and China, fighting in the Middle East.

Stripping Bombers of their aluminum in 1947. All that stuff of war.

Admiral Shimada war crimes trial, an emergency Foreign aid bill before Congress. Strikes continuing all over, with Greece imposing the death penalty on strikers. Emperor Hirohito addressing a crowd of 40,000 in the city of Hiroshima with no mention of Pearl Harbor just six years earlier and fighting continuing in the region of Palestine with neighboring Arab countries calling for rejection of the British partition proposal and the death of longtime President of Columbia University and Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler.

Further evidence the world just never stops.

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