February 22, 1979 - The Chinese Excursion Into Vietnam

News of the Day for February 22, 1979 - The Chinese invasion of Vietnam and growing fear of its escalation. The Soviet Union massing troops on the China/Mongolia border according to Japanese news sources. Iran frees former Marine hostage after six days captivity. Police on Strike in New Orleans - another day in paradise.

At least we got to sit back and watch this time.

Chinese invasion of Vietnam into its sixth day, February 22nd 1979 was greeted with more than its fair share of skepticism. Rumors were rife from Japanese news sources that the Soviet Union was massing troops on the China/Mongolia border and reserve officers were being called up. Meanwhile, we were taking a back seat to the goings on, even though there was a movement afoot on Capitol Hill, via Jesse Helms to open an investigation regarding "certain wording" in our recognition of Red China that had something to do with Taiwan. Although Taiwan was probably the furthest thing on Beijing's mind, since the War with Vietnam was escalating at a fevered clip. On our own Foreign Policy front, a wounded Marine, held hostage by Iranian militants was freed after six days - no doubt a harbinger of things to come by the end of 1979, but we didn't know it at the time.

And on the domestic front, New Orleans Police were going into their sixth day on strike, with Sanitation workers vowing not to cross picket lines in support.

A good day to stay in bed, if this newscast of the CBS World News Roundup for February 22, 1979 is any indication.

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