February 28, 1981 - Negotiations And Making Nice.
February 28, 1981 - The continuing Thatcher-Reagan romance. Pravda claims state department lying about arms shipments to El Salvador. Reagan asks for fund to reactivate WW2 Battleships. Budget cuts. Islamic Peace Mission in Tehran, trying to end Iran-Iraq War. Basque Separatists release hostages. Iran releases British Missionaries. Threats of violence between Vietnamese and U.S. Fishermen over Shrimp in Texas Gulf Coast.

The world spun oddly, this February 28th in 1981.
While Prime Minister Thatcher and President Reagan exchanged toasts and cordialities at a dinner hosted by the British Embassy in Washington, the rest of the world was going off on its own direction.
The Soviet newspaper Pravda labeled lies over reports from the State Department claiming Russia was sending arms to El Salvador. Had they known. . .
Meanwhile earlier, President Reagan asked for funds to reactivate two WW2 era Battleships, based on information the Soviet Navy was stepping up warship production. This, hot on the heels of Reagan presiding over additional government budget cuts to the tune of $10-13 Billion. A budget and Tax cut battle were heating up.
In the rest of the world - An Islamic Peace Mission landed in Tehran to try and settle the 6 month old Iran-Iraq War. Three British Missionaries were released from captivity by the Iranians. John and Audrey Coleman and Mrs. Gene Wadell were glad to be home. Still, there were more to worry about. Speaking of hostages, the Basque Separatists ETA released hostages snatched from the consuls of Austria, El Salvador and Uruguay after 8 days of captivity.
Domestically - violence was threatening to loom between Vietnamese and American Shrimp fishermen in the Texas Gulf Coast. The Vietnamese were reported to be stocking up on arms for protection and the Americans were seen at various KKK meetings, espousing the virtues of immigrant bashing. The Shrimp had no opinion one way or the other, and no doubt preferred they just went away.
And so went this rather skewed February 28, 1981 as reported on the CBS World News Roundup.