First Day Of Congress - 1936 - Gunning For The New Deal

First day of Congress in 1936 - something of a contrast to 1995, but still a free-for-all. One of the first times the proceedings of Congress were broadcast.

Speaker Of The House Joseph Byrns (left) - vice President John N. Garner (right) - taking a break from the mayhem.

74th Congress:

J. Fred Essary (Chief, Washington Bureau, Baltimore Sun):”Congress may be called upon first to pick up and then to patch up the wreckage of many of the New Deal measures, wreckage thrown upon the legislative doorstep, when the Supreme Court shall have ruled upon the constitutionality of the AAA, Coal Control, TVA, cotton control, securities control, regulation of both holding companies and labor disputes. Practically the whole of the New Deal program. The fact is, Ladies and Gentlemen, the shadow of the Supreme Court more completely envelopes Congress at this time than at any other within our recollection.”

Further evidence it just doesn't change - only the players and the clothes.

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