Fixing The Broken Health-Care System . . .In 1940.

From the radio series America's Townhall Meeting Of The Air from 1940, the subject is "Do we need a National Healthcare plan?". And seventy-one years later . . . they're still asking.

Modern Medicine circa 1940 - well, they were trying.

Winslow was either revered as a pioneering member of the Medical profession or reviled as a self-serving Quack. Even in 1940, no one was above the smear, especially when it came to fixing a system that was broken. Much the same way it is now. There is a whole section of the electorate who would prefer things stayed broken, that any attempts to fix it are ploys by some conspiracy bent on subjugating the American people into a Socialistic society. They used that argument in the 1930's and they continue to use that argument - it hasn't changed in tone very much - the fear is still the same.

And even now there is a well-funded movement afoot to repeal the health-care law signed last year. A law that, even though far from perfect, is still the first one of its kind since it was talked about in this broadcast.

How ever shaky the ground is, the health-care law is still standing a year after it was signed.

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