Harry Truman Talks About Smears And Fear Mongering - 1951

(Truman - fear was gripping the country and some people liked it that way) [media id=17669] There's a curious comparison to be made with our curre

(Truman - fear was gripping the country and some people liked it that way)

current state of smear, fear and hate politics and what was going during the Truman Administration. Only then it was under the guise of the Red Scare. Now, it's just partisanship, race baiting, fear, innuendo and character assassination because it can be gotten away with.

But in 1951 the air was pretty thick with paranoia and the McCarthy's of Washington were shot gunning hate at every opportunity. So much so, that President Truman had a few words to say about it at an American Legion building dedication on August 14, 1951.

Pres. Truman: “Character assassination is their stock and trade. Guilt by association is their motto. They have created such a wave of fear and uncertainty that their attacks upon our liberties goes almost unchallenged. Many people are growing frightened – and frightened people don’t protest. Stop and think. Stop and think where this is leading us.”

Funny - he could have said that about an hour ago.

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