"If You Always Do What You Always Did . . " - Vietnam 1972

( . . You'll Always Get What You Always Got.") Drawing analogies between Vietnam and our current situation in Afghanistan has been difficult - they

arrogance and deceit.

In 1972, with all other seeming avenues failed, the Nixon administration resorted to mining Haiphong Harbor in an attempt to cut off supply lines to the North Vietnamese. Vietnamization was deemed a dismal failure.

Pres. Nixon: “All entrances to North Vietnamese ports will be mined to prevent access to these ports, and North Vietnamese navel operations from these ports. United States forces have been directed to take appropriate measures within the internal and claimed territorial waters of North Vietnam to interdict the delivery of any supplies. Rail, and all other communications will b cut off to the maximum extent possible. Air and navel strikes against military targets in North Vietnam will continue.”

Shortly after this announcement, NBC Radio ran a Special Report entitled "Vietnam: The War That Will Not End".

It echoed a sentiment that a weary nation was feeling. That war, like this one seems destined to have no happy ending.

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