June 10, 1967 - Holiday In Damascus And Fingers In The Cookie Jar.

News of the Day for June 10, 1967 - Arab-Israeli War continues, United Nations working on settlement, Syria accuses Israel of trying to take Damascus, Nassar backs out of quitting, Soviet Union breaks relations with Israel and Senator Dodd admits taking campaign money to pay personal bills (shock!).

June 10, 1967 - there goes the neighborhood.

And on June 10, 1967 the hits just kept on comin'. First it was the Soviet Union in a fit of pique, breaking diplomatic relations with Israel, pointing fingers at the U.S. for supplying arms to the Israelis. And then it was Syria, flailing their collective arms over the notion Israel was planning on making Damascus an Israeli settlement, since tanks were barreling in that direction. Meanwhile, the war was grinding swiftly on with pro-Nassar rallies in Cairo and Nassar so touched by the display he reneged on his pledge to resign, even though it seemed a little anti-climactic. Over at the UN, negotiations were going at a fever-pitch with promises of a ceasefire looking good with maybe this thing winding down by the end of the day - maybe.

Over on Capitol Hill, Senator Dodd (D-Conn.) admitted to siphoning off campaign money in order to pay some personal bills. A whopping $7,000 worth. Even then it wasn't that princely a sum, but still enough to get him censured. Oh, the scandal (du jour).

And that was the big news of the day, this particular June 10th in 1967. ABC Radio News On The Hour lays it all out, along with Compoz and Buick.

Crazy times, for one and all.

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