"Kim Has Left The Shambles" Kim Jong Il - Dead At 69. . .Or 70.
News on the death of North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Il, dead at 69 or 70 (depending on who you read).
In what started out as a seemingly busy but otherwise sedate newscast via the BBC World Service' World Today, quickly turned into a series of bulletins and updates regarding the death earlier this evening of North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Il at age 69, or 70 depending on which source you read (the Russians claimed he was born in 1941).
So in keeping with news-off-the-cuff, here is the first and second hours of The World Today, complete and uncut, with the first bulletins coming in at around 6 minutes into the top player.
You get the whole rundown, the High-Voltage North Korean newscaster and the updates, along with the rest of the news of the day (Iraq already showing signs of coming apart, violence in Tahrir Square and the video that's now gone viral, Domestic violence in the extreme in Bangladesh and more). There is also a lot speculation regarding Il's successor - namely the son, Kim Jong Un - the name alone should send chills, or perplexed stares.
I think it's going to be an interesting week coming up.
Stay tuned.