March 15, 1947 - Living In A Post-War World.

March 15, 1947 - Living in a Post-War World. Cold War news. Big Four Conference. Palestine question. War Crimes trial in Tokyo. Fighting in China between Government and Communists. Revolts in South America. Foreign Aid to Greece and Turkey. Blizzards in Wales. Floods in East London.

Welcome to the Post-War World.

News for this March 15th in 1947 was about reconstruction, Foreign Aid, the creeping Cold War and grumblings of discontent.

Starting with news of the upcoming Big Four Conference and Russia's criticism via Pravda and Izvestia (the government Press) of President Truman's plan for assistance to Greece and Turkey, and a general blast of the Marshal Plan on the grounds of "Imperialist meddling". Meanwhile, Secretary of State Marshal and Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov were huddled in Moscow debating the word Democracy. The nits were being picked clean. Discussions were also underway as to what Moscow was planning on doing in the area of repatriation for the hundreds of thousands and German Prisoners of War, still held in Russian camps.

In other International news: Britain was making plans to toss the Palestine question over to the United Nations to sort out in the coming week. The Japanese War Crimes Tribunal was meeting in Tokyo and the latest from the Japanese Defense team was Japan's fear of a Communist takeover from Russia that made it do what it did. Not much of a defense. Fighting was intensifying in China with Communist forces making gains and serious advances against Government forces. And the Civil War in Paraguay was taking a huge turn for the rebels, who were now outnumbering government forces three to one. Following suit, but with not much success, was a revolt brewing in Ecuador meeting with heavy resistance from the government there.

And blizzards were churning around in Wales while East London was underwater from floods.

On Capitol Hill: Debate was going on regarding the Foreign Aid question and, as usual, where was all this money going to come from. On the Good News domestic front - new housing construction was hitting its highest point in history.

And President Truman was in Key West, fishing. It seemed like a good time to take a vacation.

All this and so much more via Roy Porter and The NBC World News Roundup for (Friday) March 15, 1947.

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