March 21, 1951 - Naming Names And Selective Amnesia.

March 21, 1951. N.Y. Crime Committee Hearings. Former Mayor-now Ambassador O'Dwyer grilled on cash payments. Korean War. U.S. troops advance to little resistance. 1,100 casualties this month. 56,000 casualties so far since it started. Call for joint meeting between Labor and Management. Deputy Foreign Ministers at Big 4 Conference in Paris reach no conclusions. HUAC Hearings start, focusing on Hollywood. And Government concludes it's case against three defendants in spy hearings. Defendant Julius Rosenberg denies any part in spy ring.

The Crime Committee Hearings - a familiar sight on every TV in America.

A Day full of hearings, this March 21st in1951.

Starting with the New York Crime Committee Hearings and testimony by former New York Mayor/now Ambassador O'Dwyer over receipt of $10,000 in cash from a certain John P. Crane, head of the Uniformed Firemen's Union and his adamant denial, despite Crane's adamant accusation. To be overheard in the hearing room; "someone is lying".

Meanwhile in Korea - U.S. troops were making advances and meeting little resistance, which was either a good thing or bad thing. But in any event, casualty reports came in at 1,100 for the month with 56,000 since the conflict started.

A call for a joint meeting between Labor and Management was given by Economic Stabilizer Erich Johnstone in light of brewing discord among the unions.

In other hearings - the legendary HUAC Committee was embarking on its Hollywood odyssey with such luminaries as actor Howard DiSilva taking the Fifth. Actor Larry Parks, on the other hand, admitted to being a member of the Communist Party from 1941-1945 but later thought better of it and quit, even though he refused to name names.

And the Government concluded its case against three defendants accused of spying for the Soviet Union and sending Atomic secrets to Moscow. One of the defendants, Julius Rosenberg, took to the stand and vehemently denied he was ever involved in a spy ring. The name Julius Rosenberg and his wife Ethel would wind up becoming very prominent in spy news in the future.

But for now . . . .

And that's what happened on this March 21st in 1951 as reported by Edward R. Murrow and The News from CBS Radio.

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