May 11, 1975 - Evacuations And Takeovers.
May 11, 1975 - news for the week ending. Final evacuation from Cambodia. South Vietnamese refugees still pouring out of the country. Senator McGovern visits Cuba. OAS talks of lifting Cuban sanctions by Summer. Last two Marines killed in Vietnam still in Saigon. Laos faces Communist takeover. Egypt moves to clear Suez Canal of wrecked ships from 1976 War.
For this week, ending on May 11th in 1975, news was about the last Americans and press evacuated from Cambodia. The stories now coming out about the atrocities and the takeover by the Khmer Rouge. In South Vietnam, the Tsunami of refugees was still on, with stories of over-flowing boats and chaos and confusion.
So confusing, that the story came out of the last two Marines, killed in Vietnam were still somewhere in a Saigon hospital morgue, waiting to be picked up. Reports also came in that Laos was facing a Communist takeover, based on the elections recently held.
And that was the picture from Southeast Asia.
Meanwhile, it was reported Senator George McGovern was visiting Cuba and talk of the OAS preparing to drop sanctions against the Castro government, sometime during the Summer.
Egypt was moving to finally clear the Suez Canal of wrecked ships leftover from the 1967 War.
And on this week it was 30 years since VE day, and many comparisons were being drawn between the end of that conflict and the one just recently ended in Vietnam.
All in a week, ending May 11, 1975 as reported on The World This Week from CBS Radio.