May 15, 1964 - The Long Shot.

May 15, 1964 - 1964 Presidential Primary season. Ambassador to Saigon and GOP Presidential candidate Henry Cabot Lodge expected to win Oregon Primary, chances good in California. Senate GOP pledges to keep the Bobby Baker Scandal probe alive. Michigan Politics - Gov. George Romney and Attorney General Frank Kelly clash on Legislative Reapportionment issue. South Vietnam - 51 S. Vietnamese troops killed in ambush by Vietcong. LBJ and Robert McNamara hold talks on Vietnam situation. Civil Right leader Bayard Rustin pledges 50,000 to protest upcoming Democratic Convention in Atlantic City.

Ambassador to Saigon and GOP Presidential hopeful Henry Cabot Lodge. Coming from behind.

News for this day in 1964 (via radio station WXYZ in Detroit) started off with word on the upcoming Oregon Presidential Primary that had Ambassador to Saigon and GOP Presidential hopeful Henry Cabot Lodge leading the pack, with Nelson Rockefeller running a close second. Both the Oregon and upcoming California Primaries were considered something of a free-for-all with grumblings of a Stop Barry Goldwater Movement among the GOP's Moderates.

In other news - From Capitol Hill, the Senate GOP pledged to keep the Scandal Probe into former Democratic Aide Bobby Baker going. President Johnson and Defense Sec. Robert McNamara were holding talks over the situation in Vietnam.

Speaking of Vietnam, it was reported that 51 South Vietnamese troops were killed in an ambush by Vietcong guerrillas just north of Saigon the previous day.

Civil Rights Leader Bayard Rustin pledged some 50,000 demonstrators to picket the upcoming Democratic Convention in Atlantic City. When asked if the same would be true for the GOP Convention, Bayard said there would be pickets, but the GOP wasn't so important.

In Michigan news - the friction between Governor George Romney and Attorney General Frank Kelly heated up again. This time over the issue of Legislative Reapportionment.

And GM said it would try and hold the line on new car prices in 1965, saying that 1964 car sales would likely hit 8 million, marking the first time in history the car maker did so well.

And that was how it rolled, this May 15th 1964 as broadcast over Detroit Radio station WXYZ via their Morning Report.

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