May 2, 2011 - The World Weighs In.

News reports from around the world concerning the death of Osama bin Laden from the morning of May 2,

News spread quickly.

Certainly no shortage of reports, spin and observations coming from our own mainstream media, I thought I would take a look and see how the rest of the world was reacting to the news of the bin Laden death.

And of course, there was plenty (and still is). Like all the news today, it's coming thick and fast and the observations are running the gamut.

Starting off this roundup of news reports and reactions, I'm beginning with the first hour of BBC Radio 4's Today Program which featured initial reactions and reports, as the attack on the Bin Laden compound took place only three hours earlier. It's the player at the top.

Quickly followed by a Special program from the BBC Asian Service, getting reaction from members of the Asian community around London and updating the initial news reports.

Shortly after the BBC reports are three news bulletins from Radio Pakistan (might as well check out the source) beginning with the 12:00 noon news. There was no mention on the 8:00 news so it wasn't included.

Next up is a special program from Radio Pakistan on the bin Laden news - this one is in Urdu and was aired shortly after the initial reports.

From Radio Algeria comes their Morning News, this time in French and it seems to have not been as big a deal in Algeria as one would imagine, since the hour newscast was mostly taken up with Football news (which was cut out). Different strokes . . .

The BBC World Service ran a Special edition of their Newshour program, featuring additional reports from Washington, Kabul and Islamabad.

And finally, ABC Radio National in Australia devoted the first third of their Late Night Live Program to the events of the day, with several interviews and reports.

A very busy day which is pretty far from over. But these are the initial reports and observations during the first few hours after President Obama's official announcement.

After fourteen hours of sifting, listening and editing you get some idea how the rest of the world was reacting to the news. Relief, optimism and caution - and that nagging feeling we haven't heard the end of it yet.

And of course, if this kind of over-the-top wrapup appeals to you, by all means,

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