May 20, 1999 - Dodging Bullets Of The Magnum Variety.

News for May 20, 1999 - One month to the day after the Columbine massacre, another shooting starts up at Heritage High in Conyers Georgia and once again, the country reacts with shock.

Shooter in custody at Heritage High - a lot of that going around in 1999.

Heritage High in Conyers Georgia outside Atlanta. The shooter, a Sophomore by the name of Thomas Solomon, distraught over a recent breakup, decided it was a good idea to go maladroit and take his grief out on unsuspecting kids who were just trying to get through the school year in one piece. The result was the wounding of six students and a distraught Solomon, tackled to the ground as he contemplated pulling the trigger on himself. And once again, the hands of the nation were firmly holding up shocked heads as yet another school shooting unfolded on live TV.

And so the news of that day in 1999 was pretty much taken over by that event, with words of shock, proclamations and resolutions to end gun violence in our schools being voiced on Capitol Hill.

And meanwhile, Chemical giants F. Hoffman La Roche and BASF were handed hefty fines over the Vitamin Scandal which saw them rigging prices on Vitamin C among other supplements. Interesting when you consider BASF was very big in the "Arbeit Macht Frei" movement in the 1930's and '40's. But that's another whole story, along with Bayer. They giveth, they taketh away.

And so May 20, 1999 as presented by CBS Radio News.

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